Stuff in English

Articles, book sections and presentations

MACHADO, I. J. R. e VASCONCELOS, Iana dos Santos. “Military Reception and Venezuelan Migrants in Brazilian far North: New Policies of Securitisation and Hybrid Refugee Camps.” Journal of International Migration and Integration, (2021), p. 1‑18. Disponível em: <>.

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MACHADO, I.J.R. Securitization (re)turn: Analisys of the new Brazilian migration Laws (2016-2019). Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 2020, Vol 4. Nº 2, 213-214. link

MACHADO, I. J. R.; PARDUE, D. . Migrant refugee spatialities lived and legislated in São Paulo. In: Brandellero, S.; Pardue, D.; Wink, G.. (Org.). Living (Il)legalities in Brazil Practices, Narratives and Institutions in a Country on the Edge. 1ed.Londres: Routledge, 2020, v. 1, p. 80-99. LINK

LOBO, A. ; MACHADO, I. J. R. . Ethnographing flows, (re)thinking categories. VIBRANT (FLORIANÓPOLIS), v. 17, p. 1-13, 2020. link

MACHADO, I. J. R. (2020) Purity and Mixture in the Category of Refuge in Brazil, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, ou ou pdf aqui

MACHADO, I. J. R. Ethnographic Life: Method for an Ex Post Facto Anthropology.  Anthropologica 61 (2019) 345-351. doi  ou baixar pdf aqui

MACHADO, I. J. R. . The Management of Difference Reflections on policies concerning immigration and the control of foreigners in Portugal and Brazil. Vibrant (Florianópolis), v. 9, p. 313-332, 2012.

MACHADO, I. J. R. Kinship and Differentialities:Alternatives to identity and to ethnic frontiers in the study of migrations. Vibrant 8 n° 2, 2011.

MACHADO, Igor José de Renó. Brazilian Immigration and the Reconstruction of Racial Hierarchies of the Portuguese Empire. Vibrant Virtual Brazilian Anthropology. Florianópolis: , v.1, n.jan-jun, p.1 – 22, 2004. DOI

MACHADO, I. J. R.. Reflections on the precarious spaciality of refugees in Brazil. 2018. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso). ISEG; Lisboa; The Migration Conference; Universidade de Lisboa.

MACHADO I. J. R..Family and migration or the hidden kinship into the gears. Croacia, Palace Hotel, Dubrovnik, IUAES Inter Congress, Dubrovnik, 2016 (4-9 may).

MACHADO, I. J. R. Some considerations on the relantionship between migration and Kinship. 2014. Japan; Makuhari Messe; Shiba; IAUES 2014 with JASCA; JASCA.

MACHADO, I. J. R. When identity does not help: kinship and migration in the Brazilian context. 2011. Canada; Palais du Congress; Montreal; 110 Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association; American Anthropological Association.